Express yourself.

Creativity is the soul. The expression of the soul is unique to each. Creativity is that expression. Finding one's own creativity is akin to acheieving spiritual liberation. This is what creativity means to me. Whether it be through prose, poetry, creative writing, photography, sport, dancing or even just the crazy way I interact with people, it is a part of my all encompassing creativity. It is the rich texture of life

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Copy cat copy cat
act a fool
fuel the intentions
tend to desires
act a  fool
copy cat copy cat

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Text messaging 7

Stop now. If I keep laughing like this, I'm gonna laugh wen I C U & U'll stop taking me seriaaas.

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dig It Deep

Listening to rhythmic repetitions
grit rubble
grit rubble
Coarse penetrations
into the earth
Digging deeper

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Text messaging 6

What now? This back and forth is silly. Just tell me what it is already.

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Echo Heart Artist

Sketch my emotive patterns
Star love shines

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Saturday, September 11, 2010


see me howl
at blue skies
hear me curse
the earth

fuming black death
puffing under ever step
of my aging dusty boots
strapped to a bony soul

trapped in a step
the good old foothold trap
All that is left is the holler
so you shall feel pain

It's not the hunter
It is the earth
the bearer of the ill-gotten
the harbinger of life and death

hear me holler
hear me scream
hear me howl
hear me curse

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Live

After life
before the after-life
there is life

There are elements
units of freedom
beyond science and ill metaphors
where imagery deteriorates

Clutch, grasp
make real this imaginary
grant me this

lest I enter spaces
where the unreal is life
where the lifeless precedes
the afterlife

Life begins
after life

before the after-life
there is life

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Aroma Therapy

© All rights reserved

Peace means love
Nappy Head

The Safest Bet

The safest bet is this. There is none. There is only progress. There is only an accumulation of experience. Make your decisions and move forward. Move onward. I guess... Today I play the safest bet.

Peace means love
Nappy Head

Sunday, September 5, 2010



Peace means love
Nappy Head

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hollow hearts reach, plead and die.
Hollow hearts need, so their claws dig deep.
Cut it out and die in its absence.

Peace means love
Nappy Head


Imagine it was what you wanted. Imagine you actually got it. Imagine there was nothing worth working for. Imagine there was nothing worth fighting for. Fuckit. We fight. It kinda gives it meaning, but is that how we do it? Is that how we involve ourselves? Shouldn't the meaning pre-exist the act of creating meaning?

Fuckit. Drink a bucket of it. Fuckit.

Peace means love
Nappy Head

"I knew I was wrong"

"I knew I was wrong..."

There's this fuckit in me right now. Live, do, let be.

"... for thinking that she cared..."

Yo man. What can I say? It's all about this journey.

"... that's why I stay prepared..."

You'll never catch me on the downhill slope. I manage that shit. Fuckit. My heart of steal pumps abrasive rusty chunks through my veins. Oh God, I can feel it coursing through my veins.

"... What was I to do?"

It isn't what you think. Nothing can do it justice. I mean this thing we call experience. Life. Nothing can do it justice. Just as well.

Peace means love.
Nappy head

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Text messaging 5

Woah. I saw th bestest signpost2day. I know U love readin th signs. Took a pic. U wanna C it?

Peace means love.
Nappy head

Text messaging 4

Jimmy thinks it's funny. Says I talk a lot. Wants2meet this new person in my life. Hahaha. U'r not new.

Peace means love.
Nappy head